
Families can accomplish amazing things. Families can collapse completely in a generation.

The world today presents unprecedented challenges and unprecedented opportunities for collective healing and growth.

Let’s bring our personal growth home.

Whole Systems

Each of our families is unique, complex, beautiful, and dysfunctional at times. These are qualities of living systems, which can thrive or they can collapse.

Family can provide the greatest blessings, challenges, and lessons of our lives. By looking at the family as a whole system, we can apply principles that help the entire family thrive.

Let’s nurture a legacy everyone can be proud of.

About Us

  • Systems Theorist, Interspiritual Minister, Ontological Designer, Mother, Trauma of Money Facilitator

    I believe that humans can have a net positive presence in this world, and that understanding our inherent interconnectedness is a core starting point of realizing that potential.

    Everything I do is driven by love, focused on healing, and committed to our collective growth in the family of life.

  • Physiologist, Sexologist, Coach, Interspiritual Minister, Father, Trauma of Money Facilitator

    I believe that releasing shame and connecting with the body’s inherent capacity for healing, strength, and pleasure is key to building a thriving life, a thriving family, and a thriving world.

  • EMUNAH is the synthesis of our shared vision and diverse expertise. Here, systems theory meets the wisdom of the body, interspiritual ministry blends with practical coaching, and the journey of becoming our whole selves is embraced in its full spectrum.

    Emunah is a Hebrew word signifying a profound belief or conviction that goes beyond mere faith. It is an informed trust that weaves together reason and understanding, enriching our sense of connection to the web of life that is greater than any one of us.

    EMUNAH is our digital home, created with the intention to be your sanctuary as well. It's a space where interconnectedness is not just understood but deeply felt. A place where healing and growth are not just concepts but lived experiences.

    We offer a warm welcome to all who seek to thrive in the family of life.

  • We are honored to support families facing questions of trust, legacy, harmony, alignment, and generational transitions of power.

    We work with individuals and couples to support a grounded approach to healing, alignment, and rising leadership within their families.

    We also gladly work with multiple members of a family, across generations to support increased harmony, alignment, and collective wisdom.

  • We provide coaching, advising, education, and immersive transformative experiences.

    Every family is as unique as its needs, and we meet that distinctiveness with a customized proposal after our initial consultation.

    We are happy to work both over distance and in person.

    Our work over distance often takes place on zoom, as well as in a diverse range of correspondence formats uniquely helpful to each client’s communication preferences. (Phone, text, voice note, email, and handwritten correspondence.)

    Our work in person takes place at either ChoZen Retreat where we work closely with the team to curate a truly magical and healing experience, or at a place of the clients choosing when we have a well established relationship.

  • Our family core values are: Integrity, Humility, and Pleasure.

    Our family’s core philosophy is rooted in: Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World), Tikkun HaNefesh (Repair of the Soul), and Bodhicitta (the motivation to achieve awakening for the sake of all beings rather than for ones own sake). These concepts, Hebrew and Buddhist respectively, shape every choice we make as we move through the world and shape our own family.

    Our family motto is “Slow and Steady, We Go Far“ which we convey to one another regularly with this emoji combination: ✨🐌

Family Membership

We have designed our membership to deliver maximum value and savings for our clients and students. Each membership can be extended to the family of the holder, so that each person can explore and feel into our Collective Growth courses and frameworks at the pace and in the way that feels right for them.

Let’s connect

We love having real, open hearted conversations with people. Schedule some time with us and we’ll sit down to get to know one another and how we can be of service.